The Way of a Disciple: The Amazing Race Edition of HPCC

culminating-activityThe competition continues as HomeChoice Planners and Construction Corporation conducted its culminating activity cum sports fest day two. This time around, the game is all about the race to the top. It’s a survival of the fittest game as this would be the last game to determine who will be the overall champion of HPCC’s Sports fest year 2013.

Last April 13, 2014, HPCC held its very first edition of the Amazing Race at Marvilla Beach Resort with the theme of “The Way of a Disciple”. Each team was required to do specific tasks in every pit stop. There were 7 pit stops prepared and in order for them to be able to go to the next pit stop, they need to accomplish a certain challenge written in the task cards.

The race was not an ordinary race because in every challenge that they have there’s a lesson to learn behind it. The challenges were all biblical related that it encompasses the true form and way of discipleship. It contains the teachings of Jesus Christ to His disciples. The tasks prepared tested the teams’ faith with each other; their cooperation, physical strength and ability to think in a limited time. At the end of the race, one group was able to surpass all the challenges and got to the top – the Painter 1 and 2 team.

2013-sport-festAfter the race, scores were tallied including the scores of the day one sports fest. And here are the results:

  • Champion: Painter 2/Furring Team
  • 1st Place: Structural/Steelman Team
  • 2nd Place: Plaswall Team
  • 3rd Place: Bodega/Driver Team tied with the Painter 1 Team

Once again, the workers were able to have a time off from work. They were able to have fun and relax on the beach; they also had a time to bond with their fellow workers and did some recreational stuff. It was indeed a fun filled day. Congratulations to all the winners! They do deserve the win. We are looking forward for another exciting and exhilarating sports fest activity next year. Cheers to us!