Time of Refreshing

40400209_1777251402329870_6910886293782134784_oWhen we’re all stressed out and burnt out from work, what good remedy any of us could have but to take a time off from work. Working in a construction company is not easy especially the ones who are doing the hard labor under the scorching heat of the sun for eight hours; well actually in any company or whatever your job is, we all get tired and stressed out. And it is just right that every employee should take a breather from their exhausting work days.

Last August 25, HomeChoice Planners and Construction Corporation, SEAzed the day by bringing their staffs and workers out to the beach; and together they had fun games, sumptuous meal and enjoyed their fellowship. Aside from the games and bonding moments, they get to hear first the word of God. 40032879_1777248352330175_6480327221201338368_oIn everything we do, we should put God first thus hearing and sharing about Jesus is something that shouldn’t be taken for granted. And praise God for after hearing the word, five workers of the company has responded to the calling and decided to receive Jesus Christ in their lives and submitted to be baptized in water. The heavens are rejoicing for these people’s lives, they have decided to follow Jesus and it’s no turning back.

The one day breather from the stressful work might be bitin but it was more than enough time for a refreshing; be refreshed from all the work stressors or life in general. As the activity concluded, everyone felt refreshed physically, emotionally and above all spiritually.