Lifting up our level of serving people is a pleasure for us to do. It is our vision to make every client we have to be helped with their individual concern in terms of making their dream house of coming true. Thus, just recently, we participated with the big and third event of group of architects in the city. That was to extend our arms for those people who are not having yet their desired house to be, with the customized design and flexible payment scheme they opt to.

The Philippine Institute of Architects in Cagayan de Oro organized the ARCBEX’ 11 3rd architectural, constructions and building exposition 2011.  The said event was held just last week July 29, 30 and 31st.  Among of the participants of this said big event, we, from Homechoice Planners & Construction Corporation did well with the full force in supporting the event with our architect.

The event was held at Lim Ket-Kai Mall for 3 days long. Of course, from the preparation day up to the third day of the exhibit is recorded and documented. I will share those to you with all of the gayness we felt and the total seemed package story on the entire event.

As a proof of our participation, it is our honor to show you this below:

And to extend our gratitude to the organizer of the ARCBEX’11, we would like to thank you for the opportunity and for the laid trust to us, in Homechoice Planners. The experience was great for us, to present to every body and to all of the people, not just those house seekers, but HOME SEEKERS and individual, who longed to have their dream house to be with their own design and own perspective and the flexible payment scheme needed.

Again, a HUGE THANK YOU! And may the architecture world of Cagayan De Oro City would boost to its fullest view!