HPCC joins in the Housing Fair

housing-fair-2013HomeChoice Planners and Construction Corporation has took part in the housing fair that was held last September 27 to 29 at Lim Ket Kai center. The said exhibit was conducted and collaborated by varied housing organizations of this city. To name a few; HUDCC, HLURB and Shda, Inc. are some of the organizations that have led the exhibit.

The housing fair was a three day exhibit wherein different developers, suppliers and company have joined. In the three day housing fair, the participants have displayed and endorsed the products that they venture. Aluminum booths were provided by the organizers where the sponsors can promote their products.

During the exhibit’s opening, we were privileged to see our country’s Vice President in person. VP Jejomar Binay was the event’s guest of honor and it was a pleasure for us to see him up close. Together with our VP, other important persons and guests were present also in the opening ceremony of the housing fair.

We thank the organizers of the event for it was a successful one. Thank you for inviting our company because with this event, we were able to further promote and advertise the services we offer. Kudos to the organizers of the event!