Pueblo Golf Estates Project 1: Construction Update

Service is another value that our company acknowledges. Honesty in rendering service is a priority as this would result in giving the best services to our clients. One of those honest and best services that we do is informing and updating our clients with the following things that we’ve done with their dream house.

Like this project that we have at Pueblo Golf Estates, we give our honest service with this project by doing the appropriate things and posting updates for our client’s welfare. And as to the enhancements of this project, last week these things were done:

CHB filling 20%
-Removing of scaffolding 100%
-Installation of reinforcement for stairs 100%
-Installation of reinforcement for column 2nd floor 100%

With regards to this week’s updates, we were able to work on the following:

-Installation forms for columns 100%
-Installation of forms for roof beam 100%
-Pouring of columns 2nd floor 100%
-CHB filling 40%

Next week, we have plans on working for the Pouring of roof beam and Pouring of stairs. Photos and other activities for this project will soon be posted. Just wait and see!